Upcoming Events

TT Guildford Upcoming Events

For full details of upcoming events check out our FB page, see the Eventbrite list on the right or bottom of this page. The best way to hear about all events happening in the area is to sign up to our e-newsletter (link to the right).

For a comprehensive list of sustainable events happening in Perth see Perth Green Events

7 responses to “Upcoming Events

  1. Pingback: Transition Town Guildford Monthly Movie Night

  2. Hi, beyond the Bike screening, where can I view the planned movies for the Stirling Arms?

    • Hi Gareth,
      We usually announce and post the next month’s movie on the movie night. So unfortunately we don’t have a list ahead, will aim to do so in future. For now, stay tuned to the blog or sign up to the Newsletter via the right hand side and you’ll hear monthly what the movie is.

  3. Hello, does the crafty devils group still meet up? Thanks,

    • Hi Nicola,
      Unfortunately the group stopped a little while ago, but some others have mentioned wanting a craft group recently. So always happy to support something starting up again… email us at ttguildford@gmail.com if you’d like to have a coffee or come to a steering meeting to discuss.

  4. Hi! The movie night info. says it starts at 6 and includes food – just wondering if this is dinner or snacks? Should I take the opportunity to grab a burger at Alfred’s while I am in Guilford!? And what time does the actual screening start? Thanks!

    • Hi Lauren,
      People can order food and drinks from the Stirling Arms hotel from 6 pm onwards (we’re in the dining area towards the back). Or of course, you can make your own arrangements. The movie starts at 7 pm.
      See you there! 🙂

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