Tag Archives: Red Hill

Can you live without Plastic?

Plastic Free July

Could you live without plastic for a month? That’s the challenge from the Western Earth Carers.

Plastic is ubiquitous in our lives, but if you saw our screening of Bag It last year, or have heard about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, you’d be well aware, it’s not all plastic fantastic! Not to mention the needless waste of resources and contribution to land fill.

What can you do about it? Of course we should recycle, but it’s much more powerful not to buy the stuff in the first place. So here’s a great opportunity to give plastic the boot:

The Challenge

  • Attempt to buy no single use disposable plastic in July for 1 day, 1 shopping trip, 1 week or 1 month

The Rules

  • Between 1 – 31 July, attempt to buy no plastic packaging. (Remember it’s not going to be easy, but its a challenge, not a competition so don’t worry about being perfect.)
  • Collect any plastic packaging you do buy. Keep it in a ‘dilemma bag’ and share a photograph at the end of the challenge.

Are you up to it?

It’s not too late, sign up on the Plastic Free July website or Facebook page

There is lots of great advice, with events all month.

Also, check out the videos and tips by Olive on Blonde

We might even try to organise a local get together to share our successes and challenges in August

Waste & Recycling Course

Ever wanted to see where your recycling goes and how it is processed?

Are you curious how the Red Hill tip can generate electricity?

Or maybe you want to start composting or get a worm farm?

Then this course is for you!

I completed the Earth Carers course last year, and it was amazing to see what happens to our waste and recyclables after the truck collects them. See the post last year on my impressions.

This is your best chance to see behind the scenes. You’re also likely to meet a bunch of nice, like minded people as I did.

Contact Tania below to register