Tag Archives: Plastic

Plastic Free July Wind-up Celebration

Transition Town Guildford is combining forces with Western Earth Carers, Hills Sustainability Group and City of Swan to host the Perth-wide Plastic Free July Wind-up Celebration in Midland on Wednesday July 31.

Whether you participated in the Plastic Free July challenge, or are just interested to reduce your plastic waste do come along!

Bring your “dilemma bag” (if you kept one) and your stories and ideas from your Plastic Free July experience.

Event poster

Event Poster – Click to enlarge

DATE: Wednesday July 31
TIME: 7pm – 8.30pm
VENUE: Old Midland Courthouse, Helena Street, Midland
To RSVP visit: http://plasticfreejulymidland.eventbrite.com.au

The program includes:

  • Lindsay Miles and Glen McLeod-Thorpe of Treading My Own Path blog
  • Opportunity to meet other participants and see what our ‘dilemma bags’ contain
  • Light refreshments, and
  • Cash for Containers speaker from the Conservation Council.

City of Swan’s event page: http://www.swan.wa.gov.au/Lists/Events/Events_List/Plastic_Free_July_Wind-up_Celebration

Hope to see you there!

Please note: there will be train shutdowns on some train lines on 31 July, so please check Transperth’s website for details if you plan to come by train.

Reblogged- Go Plastic Free: Find your Strength

plastics mindmap-low-res

Last year, scientists did an autopsy on a dead sperm whale that was washed ashore in Granada, Spain.

What the scientists found inside the stomach of this whale shocked them – 18 kilograms of plastic made up of toothpaste containers, pots, rope, bags, and bottles.

It’s a no brainer that this is the freakish byproduct of our throwaway lifestyles.

Think about this for a moment – when you throw something away, where is away?

There is no away.

“Away” is overflowing landfills, rivers and oceans. And ultimately animals’ stomachs.

Here’s the thing – plastic lasts forever and just breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces. The Director of the Oceans Institute at the University of Western Australia, Carlos Duarte states –

“Whales, turtles and seabirds are perhaps the most visible victims of death by plastic, but this extends to most marine animals; particularly those feeding on plankton, from tiny copepods (a few mm in size) to whales. They all ingest plastic particles, often causing death. Moreover, it is not just the physical blockage of the guts by the plastics, but the load of contaminants they carry that also damage the organisms”.

And it’s not like humans are immune to plastics either. Chances are you probably have a few plastic contaminants in your body too.

As a result of these negative impacts, a growing number of people around the world are now taking a stand to eliminate single use disposable plastics from their lives.

They are going beyond the simple mantra of ‘Reducing, Reusing, Recycling’ and now are refusing to consume single use disposable items (e.g. cups, cutlery, straws and bags) as part of the Plastic Free July Challenge.

Do you really need to put your bananas in a plastic bag?
Is that plastic straw that you’ll use for a few minutes really necessary?
And do you seriously need to double bag your meat?
Hang on…do you need a bag at all?

“Oh but I use the bags as bin liners” I hear people say all the time.

But people who are living plastic free have no such excuses. They are exploring alternative ways to line their bins (click here for example), amongst other plastic free ways of living.

A lot of our behaviours are unconscious and automatic, but the whole point of the Plastic Free July is to disrupt our usual habits and become more aware of our consumption patterns.

So what can you expect when you deplastify your life?

When I made the decision to give up plastic, I was surprised by how much healthier, mentally stronger and creative I became.

Have you ever noticed that most processed and unhealthy food comes in plastic packaging with a whole lot of additives and preservatives thrown in?

Biscuits. Chips. Lollies. You name it. They all come wrapped in plastic. Sometimes individually wrapped in plastic and then placed in a plastic bag.

By making the decision to deplastify your life, you automatically cut out these junk foods. You tend to steer clear of fast food places too because what does your food/drink usually come in? Plastic lined containers with little plastic packaged sauces thrown in.

Don’t get me wrong, cutting plastic from your life is no walk in the park. It takes something to refuse plastic in a world obsessed with convenience and cheap products. But the skills you learn and develop by taking on this challenge can help you to be stronger and more effective in any area of your life.

For instance, plastic free living requires learning to cook from scratch with staple ingredients. If you don’t think you’re much of a cook, just remember that cooking is like any other skill, the more you do it the better you’ll get at it.

As part of this years Plastic Free July challenge I organised a ravioli making session with friends. Not only did we produce a delicious meal but we had a wonderful afternoon together full of laughter and fun.

I’ve noticed that Plastic Free Living has also strengthened my self control and organisation skills. You see, they say self discipline is your number 1 success strategy and it can be strengthened through resisting the temptation to give into short term rewards.

Usually when you consume products wrapped in plastic you are opting for the quick and easy option of instant gratification. To resist this temptation, requires planning and thinking ahead “How can I do this differently?” and “What do I need to learn to be able to make this?”

So every time you resist taking the easy option (i.e. single use disposable plastic items) think of it as strengthening your self control muscle.

The mind map above contains some ideas on how to kick the plastic habit once and for all. If you try to take on everything all at once, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure. Just take baby steps. Take on doing one thing and once you’ve got that sorted, take on something new.

Useful Resources

If you’re unsure about how to do something or need some inspiration, check out the resources below –

Plastic Free July website
: Contains useful resources for cutting back on plastics in a range of areas.

Bag it movie: An environmental documentary on plastic. After watching it, you’ll never think about plastic in the same way again.

My Plastic Free Life
: Beth Terry has been living plastic free for several years now and has created many informative posts on plastic free living.

At the end of the day, plastic free living requires taking a stand for the things that sustain us and are most important. Just remember, a healthy body is not possible without a healthy environment. So I invite you to deplastify your life.

Reblogged with Permission from http://www.learningfundamentals.com.au

Plastic Free July Launch a Success

The Plastic Free July Launch on Wednesday 26th June was a great success, with around 50 interested people coming down to the Old Midland Courthouse to find out more about ways to eliminate single use plastic from their lives!

Plastic Free July Launch - Brigita and Jenny sewing reusable produce bags

Brigita and Jenny sewing reusable produce bags

Transition Town Guildford teamed up with Hills Sustainability Group and City of Swan to present the event. This was a winner co-organising combo, which we hope to repeat in future.

Plastic Free July Launch - Ingredients for making your own muesli

Ingredients for making your own muesli

Eleanor Chaos opened the event with a short talk about the Plastic Free July challenge and her experiences of doing it last year. After this attendees were invited to wander through the two main rooms of the Courthouse which had been set up with a variety of interesting stalls.

Plastic Free July Launch - Raelene makes gift bags from recycled newspaper

Raelene makes gift bags from recycled newspaper

Stay tuned for a screening of the movie ‘Bag It’ on 9th July, and the official Plastic Free July Wind-up event on Wednesday 31st July, 7pm at Old Midland Courthouse.

Plastic Free July Launch - It's fun being plastic free!

It’s fun being plastic free!