Tag Archives: City of Swan

Result of Special Electors meeting

Last week a Special Electors meeting was held on Monday (19th of May 2014), following a request by 110 City of Swan residents. This was called to allow residents to discuss the Claymore Close trees saga and more broadly the process of council meetings and councillors. The topics we listed for discussion where:

a) The meetings, motions and processes which led to the decision to remove two mature, public trees in Claymore Close, Guildford, and without community consultation contrary to the City’s stated principle of community engagement and as expressly recommended by the officer in this particular matter and contrary to the expert opinion sought by the City.

b) The transparency, accessibility and accountability of Council meetings and Councillors.

Forty seven electors attended and 13 made statements. Fourteen motions were moved and in almost all cases supported without opposition. Motions included: Preserving the Claymore Close trees, Development of a comprehensive tree policy, Starting council meetings later at 6:30 pm and Live streaming/ audio recording of council meetings. You can read the record of comments made and the full list of motions moved in the Council minutes here.

The current rescission motion by Cr Congerton regarding the Claymore Close trees will again be before council tomorrow night (Wednesday 28th May). It is hoped that tomorrow councillors will again vote to defer a decision on the trees until the motions of the special electors meeting can be considered. The motions from the Special Electors meeting will be presented with recommendations and voted on by council at the following council meeting on Wednesday the 18th of June.

We encourage all residents to attend these council meetings, 5:30 pm, located above the Midland Library.

Recent newspaper articles on the Special Electors Meeting.

Echo newspaper article 24 May 2014

Echo newspaper article 24 May 2014

Midland Reporter article 27 May 2014

Midland Reporter article 27 May 2014

City of Swan Council and Special Electors meetings

You probably would have seen the front covers of both the local papers last week, and the excellent coverage of the ongoing saga of the trees in Claymore Close. If not, you can read them below or the Echo piece on WA Today.

Since then, Cr Mel Congerton has moved a new rescission motion to revoke the previous decision to cut down both trees, and if successful, will move a new motion to cut down the Rose gum only. You can read the motion in Part C of the City of Swan Agenda for 7th May. While personally I still consider the removal of the gum unjustified, this motion has meant that the trees are protected for now. I invite all residents to attend the meeting tonight to hear the outcome.

Additionally, we have called a Special Electors meeting regarding the matter of the trees and the broader issues it raises of council meetings and community consultation. See the correspondence from the City below advising  that the meeting will be held on Monday 19th May at the Midland Town Hall. Please make sure you attend so we can discuss the matters listed below and pass appropriate motions relating to them. Hopefully any further decisions tonight regarding the trees will be deferred until after the Special Electors meeting.

“On 24 April 2014, the Mayor received your request for a special meeting of electors. The request advised that the details of the matters to be discussed at the special meeting are:

a)      The meetings, motions and processes which led to the decision to remove two mature, public trees in Claymore Close, Guildford, and without community consultation contrary to the City’s stated principle of community engagement and as expressly recommended by officer in this particular matter and contrary to the expert opinion sought by the City.

b)      The transparency, accessibility and accountability of council meetings and councillors.

The Mayor has advised that the Special Meeting of Electors is to be held on Monday, 19 May 2014 in the Auditorium of the Midland Town Hall, commencing at 6.00pm.

Councillors have been given notice of this meeting and local public notice will be given via notices placed in The Echo, Midland Reporter, Bullsbrook Gingin Advocate and Hills Gazette. Notices will also be displayed in the City administration building and libraries.

Special meetings are restricted to discussion on the matters specified in the request. These matters have been included in the notice of the meeting.

An agenda will be prepared and available on the City’s website on Friday, 9 May. Information regarding the conduct of the Special Electors Meeting will be provided within the Agenda.

The decisions made at an electors’ meeting are to be considered at the next meeting of Council. If this is impracticable, the decisions are to be considered at the subsequent meeting. However, it should be noted that any decisions made at a Special Meeting of Electors are not binding on the Council.

If you wish to discuss any issue in regard to this meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Meghan Dwyer, Governance Support Officer, 9267 9120


Echo 2014-4-26

Midland Reporter 2014-4-29



Update on the Claymore Close tree saga

Local residents enjoy getting to know each other while taking a stand for public trees

Local residents enjoy getting to know each other while taking a stand for public trees

We heard late Tuesday (22nd April) that the tree loppers would be coming the next morning to remove the two trees at Claymore Close. At short notice, over 30 people turned up at 7 am to make sure this didn’t happen. We enjoyed a breakfast in the park and the best bit was it became community building, with people getting to know each other. Fortunately no tree loppers came, but the media, including the Midland Reporter, the Echo, 6PR, ABC 720, Channel 7 and Channel 9 all took an interest!

We later heard that the CEO (Mike Foley) had ordered a 48 hour stay of execution as Cr Parasiliti was planning to move a new rescission motion to revoke the previous one to cut the trees down. This was great news, however, it was short-lived. By the end of the day we had heard that Cr Parasiliti was no longer planning to move a new rescission motion and other councillors who voted against it last time appear unwilling to support a motion and broader community consultation?

The CEO has indicated that the stay of execution will stand and with Anzac day on Friday, he said the trees would not be removed until Monday at the earliest. I encourage you to go visit the trees, call a councillor who voted against the previous rescission and ask them to reconsider (contact details below) and if you don’t hear otherwise, join us on Monday morning at 7 am for another community breakfast (note – please walk/ride or park at Woodbridge tavern/ East Guildford train station).

The saddest part of this saga is that the absence of a consultation process by the council has meant that the issue has now become divisive and started to turn the community against each other. Some residents of Claymore Close were not happy with us having a breakfast and parking in the street. I hope that they will appreciate that our disagreement is with the council, their poor decisions and processes and not them personally. We simply call on the council to follow its own advice and allow broader community consultation.

Finally, I will be delivering a request with 110 signatures from local residents for a Special Electors Meeting to the Mayor today. This requires that the Mayor call a meeting of electors within 35 days and allows everyone 3 mins to have their say on this matter and council meetings/processes. Us the electors can then move our own motions to be passed, and although non-binding on council, they are required to address them at the next council meeting. In light of this, I have asked all councillors that they support a rescission and stay of execution on the trees until this meeting can take place. Stay tuned for date/details.

For now I encourage everyone to call the councillors below, we only need 2 more to support the motion. And come attend the next ordinary council meeting on Wednesday 7th May (above the Midland Library).

Councillors who voted against the last rescission motion:

Cr Daniel Parasiliti: 0403 241 821,  daniel.parasiliti@swan.wa.gov.au
Cr Mark Elliott: 0458 660 804,  mark_d_elliott@live.com
Mayor Charlie Zaninno: 9267 9104,  charlie.zannino@swan.wa.gov.au
Cr Darryl Trease: 0418 917 513, darryl.trease@swan.wa.gov.au
Cr Patty Williams: 0428 882 778,  patty.williams@swan.wa.gov.au
Cr Sandra Gregorini:  9294 1827, sgregorini@globaldial.com
Cr Maria Haynes: 0417 097 486, mariah@bigpond.net.au
Cr John McNamara: 9249 5039, jmac@globaldial.com

Cr Natasha Cheung was absent, but you can call her to get her support for a new rescission motion: 0433 288 953, n_ben5@hotmail.com
